Agil durchs Big-Data-Bootcamp

12 kluge Köpfe, 7 Stunden, gefühlte 1.000 To-dos: Bei unserem diesjährigen Workshop an der Universität Oldenburg haben uns Nachwuchsberater gezeigt, wie sie ein Big-Data-Projekt agil angehen würden.

Our Digital ABCs

Digital transformation comes along with a long list of specific terms. In our ABCs we collect interesting expressions from the world of computing and explain what’s behind common buzzwords. In case you miss anything we are happy to receive your suggestions!

Business must-reads: “The ONE Thing”

For all of us who have to handle complex projects it is crucial to prioritize tasks. There are many guidebooks related to this topic. We have an all-time favorite: “The ONE Thing”, first published in 2013, which describes a radical philosophy of prioritization. Here is what we take away from it.

Workshop IT-Service-Management: Konzepte gegen Wirrwarr

Chapeau! Diese Studententruppe weiß, wie man dicke Bretter bohrt. Gezeigt haben sie uns das kürzlich beim Grosse-Hornke Consulting Workshop an der Universität Oldenburg.